About Us
Welcome to Congregation
Sha’aray Shalom
Congregation Sha’aray Shalom is a Jewish synagogue that serves as the lighthouse for Reform Judaism on Boston’s South Shore.
Congregation Sha'aray Shalom now counts more than 285 families as members, hosts a vibrant and inclusive religious school and one of the area's most respected early learning centers. We are proud of how each member brings his or her own story to our diverse community—such as those who have a multi-generational history at our congregation and those new to the area or Congregation Sha'aray Shalom, of all ages and backgrounds who are seeking a Jewish community – a place to call home.
We have a tradition of an “open door” which welcomes every family member — Jews by birth, Jews by choice, and non-Jewish family members — and strives to integrate them into our community. Our strength draws on our commitment to honor and respect the diversity of our backgrounds.
We are led by a dynamic clergy team of Rabbi Eric Berk and Cantor Steven Weiss, offering weekly Shabbat services as well as a full calendar of festival celebrations, a full-program religious school with nearly 200 students, a JCC Early Learning Center, and active adult learning and social programs.
We are affiliated with the Union of Reform Judaism (URJ).
Proud part of the Keshet Community
Our Mission
Congregation Sha’aray Shalom is a Reform Jewish community on the South Shore of Boston that provides Beit T’Fillah (worship), Beit Midrash (study), and Beit Knesset (assembly), for the celebration and preservation of our Jewish heritage and our founders’ vision.
We offer traditional and innovative forms of worship, both communal and personally meaningful, to draw us spiritually closer to God, Torah, and each other, Am Yisrael (the Jewish people).
With our first-class educational programs, an early learning center onsite, one of the finest fully-inclusive religious schools in our city, and a robust adult education program, we promote lifelong learning and spiritual enrichment for all through abundant and varied opportunities for Jewish study.
We participate in Tikkun Olam (repairing our world) by responding to the varied needs of our own Jewish community, to K’lal Yisrael(the world-wide Jewish community), to Eretz Yisrael (the State of Israel), and to our greater civic community.
Our diversity is our strength. We welcome congregants of all backgrounds and attributes. We encourage family members from other faith traditions to join our community and participate on a level that is consistent with Jewish values and comfortable for them.

Good faith: Hingham and Cohasset welcome new religious leaders