Get Involved.
CSS Sisterhood
The Sisterhood of our congregation is comprised of women of all ages who come together to offer a variety of programs to benefit and support our Congregation and larger community, to establish and foster friendships and connections with others, to engage in social activities and to further our learning. Woven through our programming are opportunities to support Jewish culture and religion. Sisterhood has the opportunity to do what its members feel are important to them within the context of a Jewish atmosphere. We welcome the chance for our members to use their special talents, interests, creativity, energy, and leadership. We are affiliated with the Women of Reform Judaism, the National Federation of Temple Sisterhoods.
We invite women of our Congregation to become members at $45 per year. Membership is completely complimentary for new temple members for one year. An application can be obtained at the Temple office or by contacting the Sisterhood at Sisterhoodcss@gmail.com. Your willingness to join and pay dues is in itself a show of support for this vital part of our congregation.
Feel free to contact Lisa Flashenburg Sisterhood President at Sisterhoodcss@gmail.com with questions or comments.
Caring Committee
Committee Co-chairs: Cathy Rein (catherinerein3@gmail.com), Avis Goldstein (avis9999@outlook.com)
The Caring Committee of Sha’aray Shalom mobilizes assistance to meet the needs of members of our community as we fulfill the mitzvoth of G’milut Hasadim- acts of loving kindness. If each of us contributes just a little, we can accomplish a great deal and truly be a “caring congregation”.
The Caring Committee assists members by offering:
Outreach to members
Delivering knitzvah blankets
Meals for the ill or bereaved
Assistance with transportation issues
Meals for families with new babies
Please inform the Rabbi, Cantor or co-chairs if you know of an individual or family who is in need of assistance.
Touching base with Congregants in Need... Please Help our Caring Committee Reach out to Congregants. Each Shabbat Service during the Mishaberah congregants share the names of other congregants and family members that are in need of healing. We would like to provide you an opportunity to share the congregant's contact information, so that the Caring Committee and Clergy may reach out to be of further assistance to our members in need. Please use the Contact Information cards available in the Temple lobby or email the Caring Committee.
CSS Men's Club
Committee Chair:
Marty Gall - mgall44@aol.com, Josh Hoch
Attention all male members of CSS: The Men’s Club is designed for you to participate more fully in synagogue life. All ages are welcome! This is an opportunity to organize and take part in programming, social and recreational activities such as:
Family bike riding activities
Support CSS youth groups
Create comradery and ruach
Bring speakers on topics dealing with health and World Jewish Issues
Enhance the outdoor appearance of the Synagogue – Healthy exercise
Run the Red Cross Blood Drive as part of Mitzvah Day
Participate in Synagogue Services
We need your input, energy and involvement.
Membership Committee
Committee Team: Naomi Schwartz (schwartz.nb@gmail.com)
The Membership Committee is composed of a diverse group of individuals dedicated to the recruitment of new members and the retention of current congregants. This important works begins with a warm welcome, exposure to a caring and inviting atmosphere, and an introduction to the many aspects of temple life. We maintain contact with prospective members and offer them opportunities to receive regular temple communications as well as to participate in appropriate events. We seek to engage new members by providing mentoring and guidance, fostering relationship building and networking based on their interests, promoting events to help engage and retain congregants, and maintaining a presence at temple activities and worship services.
Social Justice Committee
Committee Team: Ally Gall (ally2211@icloud.com), Marci Bracken, Naomi Preble
The overarching goal of Tikkun Olam (repairing the world) is the goal of the Social Justice team of volunteers. We annually collect several thousand pounds of food for South Shore food pantries, raise funds and package 10,000 meals per year for pantries, provide 200 pairs of wool socks for the homeless, deliver plants and cards to the elderly and homebound. We also sponsor educational programs on adults and teens on LGBTQ issues, preventing gun violence, food insecurity, voting rights. And we also advocate on these issues with our elected officials.
We welcome your input and help!
CSS Library
Welcome to the CSS Library and the Joseph and Betty Saunders Children’s Library.
Keep a lookout for the library on a cart coming soon to the sanctuary and the library relaunch with your librarians Josh and Debbie Newhouse.
Want to get involved? https://tinyurl.com/csslib22
email the librarians: csslibrarian22@gmail.com
Join our new adult choir and sing at holiday and Shabbat services throughout the year.
Rehearsals will begin towards the end of August. No experience is necessary