How We Worship
Friday Evenings Shabbat Evening Services Friday’s at 7:00 pm First Friday Of The Month Service at 6:00pm
Saturday Mornings Shabbat Morning Services Saturday’s at 10:30am.
Innovative Shabbat Services
Congregation Sha'aray Shalom offers a variety of Shabbat experiences to give voice to the varied sounds of prayer in our community. Experience the spirituality of Shabbat with family and friends, while instilling or reinforcing an appreciation of Judaism. Shabbat affords us an opportunity for worship, for study, for prayer, and reflection on what is most precious in our lives. At Congregation Sha'aray Shalom, we offer innovative Shabbat Services to appeal to our Congregants of all ages. Whether you enjoy observing Shabbat on a Friday night with your Congregational family or a varied Shabbat morning service filled with B'nai Mitzvah, torah study, student led services and so much more, we know that everyone will be able to find a worship experience that touches your soul. You are invited to the Shabbat experience that speaks to you. These services are open to all. If you would like to learn more about our Sha'aray Shalom and are interested in becoming part of this synagogue community, call us at 781-749-8103.
Erev Shabbat
Our Friday night service begins at 7:00PM and is filled with joyful music and prayer. Sermon topics range from current events to timely and relevant discussions of the Torah portion, giving new insight into our Jewish tradition and contemporary issues.