Tzedakah Funds
When Celebrating Life Cycle Events and/or Remembering a Loved One
Jewish tradition teaches that when we are happy, or celebrating with each other, we are to remember to give a donation in gratitude to God for our blessing. Each month in the E-Newsletter we acknowledge the generous donations of our members who are following this tradition of generosity. Below are listed some opportunities available within the synagogue to meet this need.
To help support Congregation Sha’aray Shalom you may make donations to designated funds that have been established to accomplish selected goals. You may also assign your donation for a particular purpose that you determine. With a minimum donation of $18, your contribution is acknowledged in a lovely note card to the person whom you are honoring, if you wish.
Please indicate the fund you want your donation to go to and who and where you want the acknowledgement sent.

Funds for Donations:
Rabbi Berk’s Discretionary Fund: This fund enables Rabbi Berk to provide financial assistance to various Jewish institutions and organizations. Occasionally, the fund supplements special projects within the congregation or provides financial support to members in need.
Cantor Weiss Discretionary Fund: This fund enables the Cantor to enhance musical programs for the congregation as well as provide financial assistance to members and various Jewish institutions.
Rabbi Emerita Shira Joseph’s Discretionary Fund: This fund enables Rabbi Joseph to provide financial assistance to various Jewish institutions and organizations. Occasionally, the fund supplements special projects within the congregation or provides financial support to members in need.
Mishkan HaNefesh - New High Holiday Prayer Book Fund: We invite you to honor someone by purchasing the new Prayer Books for the synagogue. The cost of the Mishkan HaNefesh is $72 for a two-book set. Each book will have a special name plate on the inside cover with the honoree’s name, the donor’s name and the date of the event. If you are interested in purchasing a set(s) of the Mishkan HaNefesh, they may be ordered online at www.shaaray.org. or by mailing a check to Congregation Sha’aray Shalom.
General Fund: Is used to support general obligations of the Temple.
Memorial Plaque: When a loved one dies it is Jewish tradition for the remaining loved one to remember them annually at the anniversary of their death (yahrzeit). A Memorial plaque can be placed on the Memorial Board within our sanctuary to help members to keep this tradition as the person’s name is commemorated each year. - Donation: $360
Tree of Life: As you enter our building you are greeted by a beautiful wall sculpture of the Tree of Life, a way to honor, and remember those who are dear to us. A leaf with your special message will be engraved with your donation. - Donation: $1500
Star of David: The Star of David has graced our lobby since the addition to our building was completed. Your donation will help remember or honor a loved one. - Donation: $3000
Mazon: A Jewish Response to Hunger: Our Board of Trustees has designated our congregation as a synagogue participating in the Mazon program. Families are encouraged to donate three percent of the cost of the food served at celebrations to help meet the needs of the hungry.
Community Social Justice Fund: Supports activities and causes that promote Tikkum Olam – the repair of the world.
Koch Youth Group Fund: This fund provides financial assistance to children of our members participating in regional or national youth group events, and summer camps sponsored by the Reform movement.
Mitch Marcus Memorial Annual Speakers Fund: Mitch Marcus lived his life like he wanted to be remembered. His passion for community building, social justice,and Boston sports permeated all aspects of his personal and professional life. Each year this fund will sponsor a program the the CSS community to honor Mitch's zeal for life.
Rabbi Joseph’s Special Needs Fund: Provides programs or materials that address the needs of congregational family members with special needs.
Samuel Snyder Fund for Adult Jewish Growth: This fund may be used for special events or to provide scholarships for adult learning programs.
Fiddler Tzedakah Box: Each month a different charity is earmarked for funds collected in our Sha’aray Shalom tzedakah box. Many people teach their children the tradition of donating tzedakah before each Shabbat by giving them money to drop in the Fiddler’s box each week.
Mishkan T’filah: We celebrated the introduction of the Mishkan T’filah: a Reform Siddur. This was a new prayer book for Reform Jewish congregations, which our synagogue adopted. You are encouraged to donate toward the purchase of these books, which will entitle you to have your name, or a name you choose inscribed in the bookplate of the siddur. - Donation: $50
Etz Hayim: We are in the process of buying enough Bibles for our congregation to use at services. A donation of a Bible is a lovely way to mark a lifecycle event. Names will be inscribed in each Bible you donate. - Donation: $100
Mickey McCarthy Building Maintenance Fund: This fund is used to repair, restore or refurbish any items relating to the building or physical plant.
Library Fund: This fund is used to purchase books and other library materials.
Religious Life: Donations are earmarked for the purchase and repair of ritual objects for our sanctuary, or the support of ritual programming.
Joan Carr School Fund: Provides “seed” money for unbudgeted special programming and items for school.