Our School
The Religious school program at Congregation Sha’aray Shalom is an integrated program of Hebrew Prayer and Judaic study. Participation in the life of the synagogue community, including worship, mitzvah, and programming outside the walls of the congregation, are essential elements of our program.
Educational Mission
The Mission of education at Congregation Sha’aray Shalom is:
To enable children and adults to affirm and strengthen Jewish identity by promoting the goal of Jewish education within the Reform Movement.
To deepen Jewish experience and knowledge in order to strengthen faith in God, love of Torah, and identification with the Jewish people throughout the world.
The purpose of our Judaic curriculum is to promote positive Jewish identity through the study of Jewish beliefs, ideals, history, and the performance of Mitzvot. Our goal is to have students think and act in a Jewish way. The Hebrew curriculum is a Siddur program, designed to enable students to become proficient in reading Hebrew prayers, as well as gain understanding of both the prayers and the service. Students surpassing these goals will have an opportunity to learn the rudiments of conversational Hebrew.

Religious School 2024-2025